To Stop Ants Escaping, Let Them Escape! – Colonies Update 3 September 2020

Lasius niger To Stop Ants Escaping, Let Them Escape! Last update I talked about how my Lasius niger were escaping, and I could not see how they were doing so. Well, yesterday I finally discovered their escape route. In order to find out how they were escaping I had to encourage them to escape. This

To Stop Ants Escaping, Let Them Escape! – Colonies Update 3 September 2020 Read More »

Lasius niger escapes. Why is it Always Lasius niger?

Lasius niger Sigh! Here we go again!  More Lasius niger escapes. I have said it many times in the past, and I am saying it again.  Those Lasius niger have to be the naughtiest ant species I have ever experienced.  I could have 100 different species in their respective ant farms, and I can almost guarantee that the only

Lasius niger escapes. Why is it Always Lasius niger? Read More »